Tuesday, December 16, 2008


You are the blessing in me
You are the mirror image of me
You are the flowing energy in me
Coz I dreamt a dream of you …
Coz I treaded this planet for you….
You are my most eccentric form
You are my most innermost charm
You are the reason for my being
Coz I dreamt a dream of you….
Coz I treaded this planet for you….
You showed me where I was wrong
You showed me where to be strong
You cast aside my deepest trait – My Ego!
I dreamt a dream of you…..
I treaded this planet only for you….
You called me babes and baby.
You showed me where love needed to be…
With you I could share my deepest secrets!
Coz you made me feel comfortable and numb
All in one go……
I dreamt a dream of you
…And I know why I treaded this planet until now….
Coz I always dreamt a dream of you…
…And I treaded this planet only to find You…!


  1. :) this is a beautiful poem. Great going!
    Looking forward to reading more of your thoughts.

  2. awesome one!! its very touching indeed...u rock babe :)
